
Abouts US

We are a private international company, which provides Comprehensive Engineering, Management, Consulting and Procurement Services for projects in the areas of: Oil, Gas and Aeronautics. Likewise, we provide Equipment and Materials for Governmental and Non-Governmental Institutions, Private Companies and through Representation Agreements with Transnational Corporations.


"Providing our customers with equipment, supplies and services Professionals of the highest quality and reliability, offering Integral to their needs, for the Projects in the sectors of Gas, Oil and Aeronautics, obtaining Economic benefits that allow us to offer our staff An adequate working environment and development prospects Promoting the creative and innovative spirit and the most High principles of honesty and professional ethics. "


"Being Leaders in the application of Technology and talent, meaningful Transcendent, in the service sector, Industry and investment promotion ", Faithfully believing in the quality of the Service and product We supply our customers. "